
Julia Starostina
Candidate in Philology; equivalent of American Ph.D.

• Samara State University, Philological Faculty, the English Department. Diploma of graduation with honours in philology, teaching, translating and interpreting (2003).

• Samara State University. Completed post-graduate studies in modern Germanic languages (2005-2008). Defended the thesis: “Pragmalinguistic Potential of Negative Evaluation Utterances in Conventionalized English Speech” (2008).

Functional stylistics, pragmatics, the theory of speech acts, functional semantics of evaluation, etiquette of speech.

1. ‘Youth, Science, Culture’ - Russian conference of pupils (Obninsk, 1998)
2. Samara Region Student Conferences (2001, 2003).
3. Annual Student Conference organized by Samara State University (2002).
4. Annual Conferences of linguists (Samara State University)

1. Timashkova J. Semantic and Contextual Characteristics of Nouns Naming Events in Modern English // Tezisy dokladov rossijskoy konferentsii uchashihsja (22 – 27, March, 1998). Part 4. – Obninsk, 1998. – pp.53-55.
2. Timashkova J. The Role of Evaluative Utterances in Forming Modality of Dialogues // Tezisy dokladov XXVII samarskoy oblastnoy studencheskoy konferentsii (18-28, April, 2001). Part II. - Samara, 2001. - pp.21-22.
3. Timashkova J. The Ways People React to Utterances of Negative Evaluation // Tezisy dokladov XXXIII nauchnoy konferentsii studentov (16-20, April, 2002). - Samara: Samara State University, 2002. - pp. 150-150.
4. Timashkova J. Typology of Answers to Utterances of Negative Evaluation // Tezisy dokladov XXIX samarskoy oblastnoy studencheskoy konferentsii (17-27, April, 2003). Part II. - Samara, 2003. - pp.33-34.
5. Starostina J. Intensification of Lexical Means in Negative Evaluation // Modernizacia philologicheskogo obrazovania: problemi i perspectivi. – Orenburg, 2004. – pp.364-368.
6. Starostina J. Language Means of Different Levels Combined for Expressing Negative Evaluation // Slovo – Viskazivanie – Discourse. – Samara, 2004. – pp.321-326.
7. Starostina J. Deintensification of Negative Evaluation in Modern Communication // Jazikovie kommunicacii v sisteme socialno-kulturnoy deyatelnisti. – Samara, 2005. – pp.76-79.
8. Starostina J. Nouns as Means of Expressing Negative Evaluation in Colloquial English // Sovremenniye metody i technologii issledovania germanskih jazikov. – Samara, 2005. – pp. 228-233.
9. Starostina J. The Composite Sentence. – Samara, 2005.
10. Starostina J. The Interpretation of Linguistic Evaluation in Terms of Axiology // Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. №3. – Samara, 2007.
11. Linguistic Markers of Conventionalized English Speech (Systemic Characteristics) pp. 214-221 in Communicative and Cognitive Aspects of Research in Germanic Languages. Samara: Samara State University, 2008.
12. Principal Characteristics of Emotional and Rational Negative Evaluation in Conventionalized English Speech pp. 161-166 in The Bulletin of Samara State University. – Samara, 2008. - № 1 (60).
13. “Pragmalinguistic Potential of Negative Evaluation Utterances in Conventionalized English Speech”. Dissertation abstract. Samara, 2008. – 21 p.
14. Adjectives and Nouns Combined in Negative Evaluation Propositions on Values pp.111-114 in A System of Values in Modern Society: collected papers of the 1t all-Russian scientific-practical conference. – Novosibirsk, 2008.
15. “Human Element” in the Paradigm of Negative Evaluation (for Conventionalized English Speech) pp. 21-19. in Person – Language – Culture: collected papers of the all-Russian scientific-practical conference. – Saratov, 2008.
16. Markers of Spoken English in Modern English in the Collected Papers of the interuniversity conference “English Studies – 3”. Samara, 2008.

1. Practical English (4 year, the English Department)
2. Term Paper Advisor (3 year, the English Department)

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