
Olga Mekheda

Assistant Professor of the English Language Department





Х Kuibyshev (Samara) State TeachersТ Training Institute. Diploma of graduation with honours. Majoring in teaching English (1966)
Х Completed a qualifying course at Moriz Torez Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages (Moscow, 1979-1980)
Х Participation in the NASSP seminar for Secondary School Principals (Reston Center, Washington, USA, September, 1996)
Х Seminar "Democratization of the Education Process" organized by American Council for International Education (Samara, 22.09.2001) Certificate of attendance.
Х Seminar "Samara and Democratization of SocietyФ organized by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, US Social Department, American Council for International Education (ACTR/ACCELS) (Samara, 29.09.2001). Certificate of attendance.
Х Seminar "Testing and Assessment" TESOL/ELT Samara and Volga Humanitarian Foundation (Samara, 23.12.90). Certificate of attendance.
Х Seminar УThe Uniform State Exam in EnglishФ organized by the Education Development Centre. Department of Education, Samara, February 2005.
Х The International Conference УProblems of Professional GrowthФ of EFL Teachers in the University and Post-University Educational Domain in RussiaФ. Samara, April 2005. Certificate of attendance.
Х Seminar УGuide-InterpreterФ, July 2005


Grammar in teaching English to university and secondary school students, country study for students at the English department, cross-cultural ties in a secondary school class, methods and technique of testing


1. Plekhanova, N., Mekheda, O. Opyt primeneniya programmirovannogo posobiya kak sredstva upravleniya samostoyatel'noy rabotoy studentov pri obuchenii chteniyu na inostrannom yazyke (Programmed Tasks as a Means of Teaching Reading to EFL Students) pp. 19-30 in Organizaciya samostoyatel'noy raboty studentov po inostrannomu yazyku. Kuibyshev, 1986.
2. Vassiliyeva, E., Mekheda, O. O dvustoronnem kharaktere vzaimodeystviya yazyka i myshleniya v processe izucheniya grammatiki (УInteraction of Thought and Language in Studying English GrammarФ) pp. 14-16 in Aktualnye problemy lingvisticheskogo obrazovaniya: teoreticheskiy i metodologicheskiy aspekty. Materials of International Conference, 25-26 November 2004. Samara, 2005.
3. Vassiliyeva, E., Mekheda, O. Sravnitelnyi analiz poley temporalnosti v razgovornom i gazetno-publicisticheskom stile (Comparative Study of Tenses in Conversational and Newspaper Styles) pp. 22-24 in Sb. materialov Vserossiyskogo seminara "Problemy prikladnoy lingvistiki". Penza, 2000. Part II.
4. Dziuba, Ye., Mekheda, O., Shemarulina, Z. Sovershenstvovaniye sistemy yazykovoy podgotovki v yedinstve uchebnoy i vneklassnoy raboty (Improving Linguistic Competence through In-Class and Out-of-class Activities) pp. 27-29 in Angliyskiy yazyk v sisteme "Shkola-Vuz". Programma nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii 9-10 April 2001 . Samara, 2001.
5. Mekheda, O., Yuamnova, I. Ispolzovaniye videomaterialov na urokakh angliiskogo yazyka (Using Video in EFL Classroom) pp. 59-65 in УMetodistФ (vypusk 2)/ Sbornik statei i prakticheskikh materialov.- Tsentr razvitiya obrazovaniya, Samara, 2001.
6. Kharkovskaya, A., Mekheda, O. Strategii neverbalnogo povedeniya perevodchikov v kontekste vzaimodeystviya kultur (Non-verbal Behaviour Strategies of Interpreters in the Context of Intercultural Communication) in Yazykovye i kulturnye kontakty razlichnykh narodov. Penza, 1999.
7. A Guide To Better Comprehension And Translation (for translators in professional communication) (with Vasiliyeva, E. and Kharkovskaya, A.). Samara, Samara State University, 2000. 173 p.
8. Programma po angliyskomu yazyku dlya vstupitel'nyh ekzamenov dl'a RGO i gumanitarnyh special'nostey (Teaching Programme in English as a Foreign Language for Entrance Exams) in Spravochnik dl'a abituriyentov. Samara, Samara State University, 1997.
9. Programma po angliyskomu yazyku dlya vstupitelnyh ekzamenov dlya RGO i gumanitarnykh special'nostey (Teaching Programme in English as a Foreign Language for Entrance Exams) in Spravochnik dlya abituriyentov. Samara, Samara State University, 1999.
10. Metodicheskiye razrabotki dlya prakticheskikh zaniatiy po ustnoy i pismennoy rechi (A handbook for the first-year students of the English Department. Oral and Written Practice of English). Kuibyshev, 1981. 27 p.
11. Metodicheskiye ukazaniya po angliyskomu yazyku dlya samostoyatelnoy raboty v pomotsch studentu-uchastniku olimpiad (A handbook for Individual Studies of Olympiad Participants). Kuibyshev, 1987. 55 p.
12. Metodicheskiye ukazaniya po razvitiyu navykov pismennoy rechi dlya studentov II kursa otdeleniya angliyskogo yazyka (with Akimova, N.) (A handbook for the second-year students of the English Department. Oral and Written Practice of English) Kuibyshev, 1988. 51 p.
13. Organizatsiya samostoyatelnoy raboty po pismennoy praktike na angliyskom yazyke (with Akimova, N.) (A handbook for the second-year students of the English Department. Written Practice of English). Kuibyshev, 1988.33 p.
14. Metodicheskie ukazaniya dlya samostoyatelnoi raboty studentov starshikh kursov, stazherov i uchitelei anglijskogo yazyka (A handbook for advanced students and young teachers of English). Kuibyshev, 1988. 56 p.
15. Razvitiye navykov pismennoy rechi (A handbook for the second-year students of the English Department. Written Practice of English) (with Akimova, N.). Kuibyshev, 1989. 47 p.
16. Prakticheskiye zadaniya po angliyskomu yazyku (A handbook for the third- and fourth-year students of Sociology and for post-graduate students of humanities) (with Bondarenko, M. and Kharkovskaya, A.) Samara, Samara State University, 1999.
17. Forrest Gump. The 1960s US Panorama. (A handbook for the third-year students of the English Department. Cinema). Samara: Samara State University, 2000. 42 p.
18. Uchebnyye materialy i zadaniya dlya studentov special'nosti "Sociologiya" (Teaching Materials and Tasks for Sociology students). Part 1. Samara: Samara State University, 2003. 29 p.
19. Uchebnyye materialy i zadaniya dl'a studentov specialnosti "Sociology" (Teaching Materials and Tasks for Sociology students). Part 2. Samara: Samara State University, 2003. 38 p.
20. Uchebnyye materialy i zadaniya dlya studentov specialnosti "Sociology"(Teaching Materials and Tasks for Sociology students). Part 3. Samara: Samara State University, 2003. 71 p.
21. Charles Dickens. A Tale of Two Cities. (A handbook in Home Reading for the third-year students of the English Department). Samara: Samara State University, 2003. 63 p.
22. Picnicking and Holidaymaking. (A handbook for the third-year students of the English Department). Samara: Samara State University, 2004.
23. On creativity and creators (on the material of students' works) pp. 130-138 in "Sovremennye issledovaniya v oblasti gumanitarnykh nauk". Moscow, 2009.

Courses taught

Х Upper Intermediate Oral and Written Practice of English (for third-year students)
Х Country Study (lectures and seminars)
Х Home Reading (for third-year students)
Х Oral and Written Practice of English (for students of sociology)
Х Practice of English for translators in professional communication
Х Grammar Practice (for high school students)


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