
Olga S. Bochkova


Candidate in Philology; equivalent of American Ph.D.
Senior Instructor




• 2001 - graduated from Saratov State Chernyshevsky University. Awarded qualifications: Specialist in Language and Literature, Teacher of the English Language and Literature, Specialized Texts Translator.

• January, 2002 - completed a course of Evaluation and Assessment in English Language Teaching by ‘St-Petersburg Bridges’ research advisory center.

• 2002-2006 – completed a post-graduate course at the Saratov State Chernyshevsky University, majoring in 10.02.19 – the Theory of the Language. Defended the Candidate Thesis (the equivalent of Ph.D degree): Text Categories of Modality, Time and Space in the Genre of Science Fiction (March 2007).

• June, 2004 - completed a course of Cross-Cultural Studies & Teaching Techniques and Technologies at the International Summer Institute, Saratov State Law Academy.

• June, 2005 – attended 2nd Summer Institute ‘Insights into English Language teaching and English Language Learning’ at the Saratov State Law Academy.

• 31 May 2008 – participated in the “Round-Table Discussion of Translation Practice” (Samara, the translation service provider ‘All Correct Language Solutions’)

• September 2008 – Completed a course of studies for university instructors and professors at the Saratov State Chernyshevsky University (“Modern Technologies in Education”)

Research Interests: the Theory of the Text, Neologisms, Linguistic Peculiarity of Science Fiction texts.
Olga S. Bochkova is a member of the International Association of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Researchers


1. Osobennosti postroenija personazhnyh obrazov v sbornike rasskazov Ajzeka Azimova «JA, robot» / O.S. Bochkova // Filologicheskie etjudy: Sb. nauch. st. molodyh uchenyh. – Saratov, Izd-vo Sarat. un-ta, 2002. – Vyp. 5. – S. 188-190 (Ways Of Creating Robot Characters in Collected Short Stories I, Robot by Isaac Asimov).

2. Nekotorye teksto-lingvisticheskie osobennosti nauchnoj fantastiki / O.S. Bochkova // Social'no-ekonomicheskoe razvitie Rossii: problemy, poiski, reshenija: sb. nauch. tr. po itogam NIR SGSEU v 2001g. – Saratov, Saratovskij gos. social'no-ekonomicheskij un-t, 2002. – S. 8-10 (Some Specific Text-Linguistic Features of SF Texts).

3. K voprosu o leksiko-stilisticheskih osobennostjah nauchno-fantasticheskih proizvedenij / O.S. Bochkova // Ekolingvistika: teorija, problemy, metody: Mezhvuz. sb. nauch. tr. – Saratov: Izd-vo «Nauchnaja kniga», 2003. – S. 218-220 (Certain Lexical and Stylistic Features of SF Texts).

4. Kategorii vremeni i prostranstva i jazykovye sredstva ih vyrazhenija v romane R. Hajnlajna «CHuzhak v chuzhoj strane» i v romane A. i B. Strugatskih «Trudno byt' bogom» / O.S. Bochkova // Filologicheskie etjudy: Sb. nauch. st. molodyh uchenyh. – Saratov, Izd-vo Sarat. gos. un-ta, 2004. – Vyp. 7. – CH. III. – S. 84-87 (Text Categories of Time and Space and their Linguistic Manifestations in the Novel).

5. Avtorskaja modal'nost' kak faktor formirovanija dominantnyh smyslov teksta fantasticheskogo proizvedenija / O.S. Bochkova // Sociokul'turnye problemy jazyka i kommunikacii: sb. nauch. tr. – Saratov, Povolzhskaja akademija gossluzhby im. P.A. Stolypina, 2005. – S. 141-146 (The Author’s Modality as a Way of Creating the Dominant Meanings of The Text).

6. «Priem ostranenija» i intertekst v NF tekste kak sposoby voploshchenija avtorskoj modal'nosti / O.S. Bochkova // Jazyk hudozhestvennoj literatury. Literaturnyj jazyk: Sbornik statej k 80-letiju M.B. Borisovoj. – Saratov: OOO «Nauchnaja kniga», 2006. – S. 150-156 (Defamiliarisation and Intertextuality in SF Texts as means of Manifesting the Author’s Modality).

7. Yazykovaja igra v nauchno-fantasticheskom tekste kak sposob voploshchenija avtorskoj modal'nosti / O.S. Bochkova // Vestnik Saratovskogo gosagrouniversiteta im. N.I. Vavilova. – 2006. – ¹ 5. – Vyp. 2. – S.111-112 (Language Play as a means of Manifesting the Author’s Modality).

8. Kategorii modal'nosti, vremeni i prostranstva v zhanre nauchnoj fantastiki (na materiale russko- i anglojazychnyh tekstov) Avtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.19 / Saratov. gos. un-t. – Saratov, 2006 (Text Categories of Modality, Time and Space in the Genre of Science Fiction: Dissertation Abstract). – 25 p.

9. Hronotop v NF tekste kak sredstvo voploshchenija avtorskoj modal'nosti (na materiale romanov R. Hajnlajna «Stranger in a Strange Land», A. i B. Strugackih «Trudno byt' bogom»,A. Azimova «Caves of Steel» i V. Savchenko «Otkrytie sebja»)/ Russkaja fantastika na perekrest'e epoh i kul'tur: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii:21–23 marta 2006 goda – M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 2007 (Time and Space Concept in SF as a way of Manifesting the Author’s Modality).

10. Implitsitnye sposoby vyrazheniya avtorskoi modalnosti v nauchno-fantasticheskikh tekstakh // The 3d Regional Interuniversity Conference “English Studies by Young Researchers”. –Samara, 2008. - (in Russian) (Implicit Ways of Expressing the Author’s Modality in Sci-Fi Texts)

11. Metodika raboty s poiskovymi sistemami v protsesse obucheniya perevodu spetsializirovannykh tekstov// Innovatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovatelnoi deyatelnosti vuza: opyt, problemy, puti resheniya/ Materials and Proceedings of the Interuniversity Conference, Samara, 15 February, 2008. – Samara, 2008. – P. 69-75. (Working with Search Engines while Teaching Translation of Technical Texts)

12. Glagolnaya paradigma v proizvedeniyakh zhanra fantastiki – opyt sopostavitelnogo analiza // Kommunikativno-kognitivnye aspekty lingvisticheskikh issledovanij v germanskikh yazykakh” (Communicative and Cognitive Aspects of Research in Germanic Languages/ Collected Papers. - Samara: Samara University, 2008. – P. 23-30. (Comparative Analysis of the Verb Paradigm in SF Texts)

13. Nekotorye lingvokuturnye osobennosti khudozhestvennogo mira nauchnoi fantastiki// Lichnost – Yazyk – Kultura: Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference 28-29 November 2007. –Saratov, 2008. – P. 145-149. (Some Linguocultural Peculiarities of the Sci-Fi Artistic World)

14. The English Verbals in Language and Speech (with Yu.Starostina) Samara: Samara University, 2009.

15. Rol i mesto obrazovatelnykh Internet-tekhnologij v uchebnoi paradigme studentov spetsializatsii “Zarubezhnaya filologiya” pp. 159-162 in “Vestnik uchebno-metodicheskogo soveta Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta: Innovatsionnye podkhody k proektirovaniyu osnovnykh obrazovatelnykh programm.” Samara, 2009. (Role and place of educational Internet technologies in training English philology students) (in Russian)

16. Novoobrazovaniya v nauchnoi fantastike kak sposob realizatsii avtorskoi modalnosti pp. 243-247 in “Sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii pamyati S.Lema “Fantastika i tekhnologii””. Samara: Raritet, 2009. (New coinages in science fiction texts as a means of manifestation of the author’s modality) (in Russian)

Courses Taught:

• Translation Practice (seminars)
• Introduction into Translation Theory (3d year)
• Business English Practice
• Upper Intermediate English (4th year)
• English for Sociology Students
• English for Post-Graduate Students
• Acting as a senior thesis adviser and term paper adviser (in lexicology and stylistics)
• New information technologies and Web resources for philology students (2d year)

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