
Djumina Olga Veniaminivna
senior lecturer

Education and Professional Activities

In 1976 Olga Djumina graduated from Kuibyshev State TeachersТ Training Institute named after V.V.Kuibyshev ( at present Samara State TeachersТ Training University)
After graduation she had a job of an editor worked in one of the Departments at Samara State University and at the same time she worked as a teacher of English in High School and as Principle Assistant in an experimental secondary school.
At present Olga Djumina is a senior lecturer combing her teaching duties with the functions of the Head Deputy at the English department/ She is responsible for the distribution of teaching load.

OlgaТs professional interests are related with the area of teaching English. She is preparing special recommendations for the students majoring English Philology. The list of her published works includes the titles related to the topical vocabulary and is aimed at developing the 2nd year students conversational and writing skills.

Works Published

1. Dyumina O., Ilicheva N., Kozhukhova I., Rogozhina G. Sports and Games. Samara, 2003. 68 p.

2. Dyumina O., Ilicheva N., Rogozhina G. Recommendations in Studying the Topic СHealth and medical ServiceТ. Samara, 1999. 44 p.



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