
Mikhail Bondarenko

Degrees and Honours
Candidate in Philology;
equivalent of American Ph.D.
Associate Professor


Kuibyshev (Samara) State Pedagogical University, Foreign Languages Department. Diploma of graduation with honours. Majoring in English (high-school English language teaching). (1970)
Saint-Petersburg State University. Completed post-graduate studies in modern and Old Germanic languages (1977). Defended the thesis titled “Types of metonymic transfer and problems of their systematic description”. (1980)
Summer language teaching qualification improvement courses at Oxford University (Great Britain) in 1988
Research qualification improvement at Strathy Unit English Language Centre. Kingston University (Ontario, Canada) in 1993
German language courses at Samara Branch of International Goethe German Language Institute (1998-2001). Certificates: Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Zeugnis Zentrale Mittelstufenprufung, Zertifikat Deutsch fur den Beruf. Reading and speaking knowledge in German and French.

Professional Interests
Lexical semantics of modern English
Problems of systematic description of regional vocabulary units in Canadian English
Problems of synchronic and diachronic comparative analysis of vocabulary in Germanic languages

Publications and Conferences
International Scientific Conference “Space and Time in a Language” (Samara, 6-8.02.2001). A report on lexical means of expression of time and space relations in English and Low German dialects.
International Scientific Conference “Language in Multicultural World” (Samara, 1999). “Sociolinguistic and Systematic Parameters of Development of a Language Continuum in North America”.
International Scientific Conference “Development of Sociolonguistic Competence: Problems and Prospects” (Barnaul, 1998). “Development of Canadian Vocabulary as Integral Part of the North American Lexical Continuum”.
Regular participation in annual conferences of linguists organized by Samara State University

Latest Publications
01.“Semanticheskiye i funktsionalno-pragmaticheskiye kharaketistiki suschestvitelnykh-sinonimov, oboznachayuschikh ponyatiya flory i fauny v anglijskom yazyke Kanady” pp.178-185 in Pragmatika form rechevogo obscheniya. Samara: Samara State University, 2001. (Semantic and Functional Traits of Synonimic Nouns, Denoting Flora and Fauna Objects in Canadian English. In: Pragmatics of Speech Communication Forms.)

02.“Leksicheskiye sposoby vyrazheniya prostranstvennykh i vremennykh otnoshenij v anglijskikh i nizhnenemetskikh dialektakh” pp. 86-89 in Prostranstvo i vremya. Tezisy i materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii 6-8/02/2001. Chast’ 3. Samara: SamGPU, 2001. (Abstracts of the international conference. Lexical Means of Expression of Time and Space Relations in English and Low German dialects)

03.“Kognitivnyje i nominativnyje faktory, obuslovlivayuschyie zakrepleniye regionalnoi leksiki v natsionalnykh variantakh anglijskogo yazyka Severnoi Ameriki” pp. 13-18 in Kognitivnye aspekty izucheniya yazykovykh yavlenij v germanskikh yazykakh. Samara: Samara State University, 2000. (Cognitive and Nominative Factors, Conditioning Fixation of Regional Words in North American English. In: Cognitive Aspects of Language Phenomena Study in Germanic Languages)

04.“Formirovaniye standarta kanadskogo varianta anglijskogo yazyka v ramkakh severo-amerikanskogo yazykovogo kontinuuma” pp. 54-68 in Yazyk i kultura. Samara: Samara State University, 1999. (Formation of Standard Canadian English within the North American Language Continuum. In: Language and Culture)

05.“Sotsiolingvisticheskiye i sistemnyje parametry stanovleniya yazykovogo kontinuuma v Severnoi Amerike” pp. 14-16 in Tezisy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Yazyk v multikuturnom mire”. Samara, 1999. (Sociolinguistic and Systematic Parameters of Development of a Language Continuum in North America. In : Language in Multicultural World. Abstracts of the International Conference.)

06.“Dialektnaya leksika kanadskogo varianta anglijskogo yazyka kak faktor dialoga kultur” pp. 26-31 in Semantika i pragmatika yazyka v dialoge kultur. Samara: Samara State University, 1998. (Dialectal Vocabulary of Canadian English as Cross-Culture Dialogue Factor. In: Language Semantics and Pragmatics in Cross-Culture Dialogue)

07.“Formirovaniye kanadskogo vokabulyara kak sostavnoi chasti severoamerikanskogo leksicheskogo continuuma” pp. 61-62 in . Tezisy mezhdunarodnoi nauchn-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Formirovaniye sotsiolingvisticheskoi kompetentsii: problemy i perspektivy”. Barnaul, 1998. (Development of Canadian Vocabulary as Integral Part of the North American Lexical Continuum. In: Development of Sociolinguistic Competence: Problems and Prospects. Abstracts of the international conference.)

08.“Semanticheskiye kharakteristiki zaimstvovanij i innovatsij v dialektnoi leksike kanadskogo varianta anglijskogo yazyka” pp. 59-62 in Tendentsii razvitiya v leksike i sintaksise germanskikh yazykov. Samara: Samara State University, 1997. ( Semantic Traits of Borrowed Words and Innovations in Dialectal Vocabulary Stock of Canadian English. In: Trends of Vocabulary and Syntax Development in Germanic Languages.)

09.The Gothic Language (with S.I. Dubinin and A.I.Teterevenkov). Samara: Samara State University, 2001. 106 p.
Practical Recommendations in English for Students and Post-Graduate Students, majoring in the Humanities (with A.A. Kharkovskaya and O.B.Mekheda). Samara: Samara State University, 1999.

10."Paradigmaticheskiye kharakteristiki metonimicheskogo perenosa v germanskikh yazykakh" pp. 45-52 in Kommunikatsiya v dialoge kultur. Samara: Samara University, 2002. (Paradigmatic characteristics of metonymy in Germanic languages).

11.Bondarenko M., Bondarenko E. French Borrowed Words in the Vocabulary System of Canadian English” pp.64-70 in Aspekty stanovleniya i funktsionirovaniya zapadnogermanskikh yazykov. Samara: Samara University, 2003.

12. "Funktsionalno-pragmaticheskiye osobennosti sinonimov v regionalnoi leksike kanadskogo natsionalnogo varianta anglijskogo yazyka" pp. 7-8 in Pragmatika yazyka i yazyk pragmatiki. Materialy regionalnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Oryol, 2004. (Functional-pragmatic characteristics of synonyms in the regional vocabulary of Canadian English)

13. Paradigmatic traits of borrowed lexical units in the national variants of English and German pp. 203-210 in Slovo - Vyskazyvanie - Diskurs. Samara: Samara State University, 2004. (in Russian) (with E.Bondarenko)

14. Practical Recommendations in English for Sociology Students (with O.B.Mekheda and A.A.Kharkovskaya). Samara: Samara University, 1999.

15. Semanticheskiye kharakteristiki etimologicheskoj metonimii v germanskikh yazykakh pp. 137-145 in Sovremennye metody i tehnologii issledovaniya germanskikh yazykov. Samara: Samara University, 2005. (Semantic traits of etymological metonymy in Germanic languages)

16. Sravnitelnye paradigmaticheskie kharakteristiki zaimstvovanij v leksike zapadnogermanckykh yazykov pp.244-246 in Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii "Komparativistika: sovremennaya teoriya I praktika" I 14th sjezda anglistov (13-15.09.04). Vol.1. Samara: SamGPU, 2004. (Comparative Paradigmatic Characteristics of Borrowed Words in West-Germanic Languages)

17. Semanticheskie kharakteristiki etimologicheskoi sinekdokhi v germanskikh yazykakh pp. 184-191 in Aktualnye problemy filologii i pedagogicheskoi lingvistiki. Vladikavkaz, 2005. (Semantic Characteristics of Synecdoche in Germanic Languages)

18. O roli zaimstvovanij v formirovanii leksicheskoi sistemy zapadnogermanskikh yazykov pp. 9-15 in Filologicheskaya problematika v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniya. Issue 2. Samara, 2005. (On the Role of Borrowed Words in Forming the Lexical System of West-Germanic Languages)

19. The Basics of Lexicology. Seminars and Tasks for Individual Studies for Students of Translation in the Sphere of Professional Communication. (compiled by Gouralnik T. with M.Bondarenko). Samara, 2005. 17 p.

20. Practical Recommendations in English for Post-Graduate Students of Humanities (with O.B.Mekheda and A.A.Kharkovskaya). Samara: Samara University, 1999. 52 p.

21. Kommunikativnyj diapason nemetskikh zaimstvovanij v vostochnykh regiolektakh anglijskogo yazyka Kanady (with E.Bondarenko) pp.
11-16 in "Kommunikatovnoe prostranstvo diskursa v sovremennykh germanskikh yazykakh" (Discourse Space of Communication in Modern Germanic Languages)/ Collected Papers. - Samara: Samara University, 2006. (Communicative Scope of German Loan Words in Eastern Regiolects of Canadian English)

22. The Gothic Language (with S.I. Dubinin and A.I.Teterevenkov). Samara: Samara State University, 2006. 143 p.

23. Onomasticheskie aspekty izucheniya metonimicheskogo perenosa kak yazykovoi universalii pp. 68-69 in Nauka i kultura Rossii, Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Samara, 2007 (with E.Bondarenko). (Onomastic Aspects of Metonymy as a Language Universal)

24. Semanticheskie kharakteristiki realizatsii metonimicheskogo perenosa v kanadskom variante anglijskogo yazyka pp. 11015 in Filologicheskaya problematika v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniya. – Issue 3. – Samara, 2007. (with E.Bondarenko). (Semantic Characteristics of Metonymy in Canadian English)

25. Paradigmaticheskie kharakteristiki glagolnykh regionalizmov v amerikanskom variante anglijskogo yazyka (with E.Bondarenko) pp. 15-22 in “Kommunikativno-kognitivnye aspekty lingvisticheskikh issledovanij v germanskikh yazykakh” (Communicative and Cognitive Aspects of Research in Germanic Languages/ Collected Papers. - Samara: Samara University, 2008. (Paradigmatic Characteristics of Regional Verbs in American English) (in Russian)

26. Paradigmaticheskie i funktsionalno-stilisticheskie kharakteristiki oboznachenij lyudei v avstralijskom variante anglijskogo yazyka (with D.Denisova) pp. 285-287 in “Nauka i kultura Rossii” (Proceedings of the 5th International Conference “The Day of Slavic Alphabet and Culture - Saints Cyril and Methodius Day”) – Samara, 2008. (Paradigmatic and Functional Characteristics of Nominating People in AuE) (in Russian)

27. Semanticheskaya paradigmatika regionalnykh sushchestvitelnykh i prilagatelnykh v diskursivnom prostranstve amerikanskogo varianta anglijskogo yazyka (with E.Bondarenko) pp. 21-20 in “Sistema yazyka i diskurs”. Samara: Samara University, 2007. (Semantic paradigms of nouns and adjectives in discourse space of AmE) (in Russian)

28. Nemetskie i niderlandskie zaimstvovaniya v leksiko-semanticheskoi sisteme anglijskogo yazyka pp. 272-278 in “Yazyk I kultura v Rossii”. Samara: Samara University, 2007.

29. English Practice. Syllabus for graduate students (with A.Kharkovskaya, E.Vasilyeva and A.Grinshtein). Samara, 2006. 16 pages.

30. Kontseptualnye kharakteristiki shotlandizmov v sostave freimovoi struktury “Domashnyaya obstanovka” (na materiale poezii R.Bernsa) (with E. Tuzlayeva) pp. 44-48 in 13th Tsarskoye Selo Readings “University education for innovation in Russia”. Part II. Saint Petersburg, 2009. (Conceptual characteristics of Scottish words in the “Household effects” frame) (in Russian)

31. Etimologicheskie i semanticheskie kharakterisitiki sushchestvitelnykh-shotlandizmov, oboznachayushchikh predmety odezhdy i obuvi (with E.Tuzlayeva) pp. 20-22 in “Materials of the 6th International Conference “Science and Culture of Russia”. Samara, 2009. (Etymologic and semantic characteristics of Scottish nouns naming articles of clothing and footwear) (in Russian)

Total number of publications - 77.

Courses Taught
Introduction into Germanic Philology (lectures)
Lexicology of the English Language (lectures, seminars)
Special course “National Varieties of Modern English” (lectures)
Foundations of Lexicology (lectures and seminars for the students, majoring in English as translators in the field of professional communication)
Mikhail Bondarenko also supervises students’ graduate and undergraduate research in Modern English Lexicology




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