
Anna Barzanova-Pyzh


Degrees and Honours
Candidate in Philology; equivalent of American Ph.D.

Senior Instructor


• Samara State University, Department of Philology, Division of Romanic and Germanic Languages. Majoring in philology, teaching English and literature, translation. Qualification of Germanic Philologist, Teacher of the English Language and Literature, Interpreter specializing in the field: “Romanic and Germanic Languages and Literature” (2001).
• Post-graduate studies in modern Germanic languages (2002-2005).
• Defended a PhD thesis on “Functional-Pragmatic and Discourse Aspects of the English Law Terminology Usage” in October 2005.
• Seminar on the method of ‘Sliding’ conducted by Victor Votinov (professor, academician, the Moscow International Pedagogical Academy). Samara, September 2005
• Intensive courses “Innovation Technologies in Methods of EFL Teaching” (Mario Rinvolucri, “Pilgrims”, Kent, Canterbury, Great Britain, 2005). Certificate of Completion.

Research Interests

Terminology in different contexts; newspaper language peculiarities; “headlinese” English; humour in fiction.


• Regular participation in annual conferences of linguists organized by Samara State University; participant of various linguistic conferences held in Samara (international and others).
• The International Conference “Languages of Professional Communication” (Chelyabinsk, 2003)


1. English law terminology usage in fiction books and its peculiarities // Kommunikatsiya v dialoge kultur. Samara: Samara State University, 2002. pp. 122-130. (in Russian)

2. Specific features of law terminology translation in fiction (based on law terminology in John Grisham novels “The Chamber” and “The Run Away Jury”) // The materials of the International Conference “The Languages of Professional Communication”. Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk state University, 2003. pp. 367-369. (in Russian)

3. On the question of contextual dependence of terms // Slovo - Vyskazyvanie -Discourse. Samara: Samara State University, 2004. pp. 218-225 (in Russian)

4. Linguistic and extra linguistic factors determining structural and semantic peculiarities of English law terminology // Modern Methods of Germanic Languages Studies. Samara: Samara State University, 2005. pp. 152-159. (in Russian)

5. Functional specificity, structural and semantic peculiarity of language formal systems (on English legal sub-language) // Lingua Mobilis Scientific Journal, №1. Chelyabinsk, 2006. pp. 108-115.

6. Functional-Pragmatic and Discourse Aspects of the English Law Terminology Usage // Abstract of the PhD thesis. Samara: Samara State University, 2005. 21 p.

7. Reading and Understanding Newspapers (study materials). Published by Samara State University, 2005. 56 p.

8. Pyzh, Anna M.; Soboleva, Lyubov P. «The UN Organization and Human Rights Declaration» (study materials). Published by Samara State University, 2006. 74 p.

9. Language and Justice in the Sphere of Jurislinguistics pp.108-114 in "Kommunikatovnoe prostranstvo diskursa v sovremennykh germanskikh yazykakh" (Discourse Space of Communication in Modern Germanic Languages)/ Collected Papers. - Samara: Samara University, 2006.

10. Key Features of English Law Terminology pp. 186-192 in Kommunikativno-kognitivnye aspekty lingvisticheskikh issledovanij v germanskikh yazykakh” (Communicative and Cognitive Aspects of Research in Germanic Languages/ Collected Papers. - Samara: Samara University, 2008.

11. Barzanova-Pyzh, A. Foreign Inclusions in Legal Language pp. 80-87 in Inostrannye yazyki: lingvisticheskie I metodicheskie aspekty. _Issue 7. – Tver, 2008.

12. Barzanova-Pyzh, A. Legal Terms in Mass Media Discourse // Lingua Mobilis, No. 2(11). – Chelyabinsk, 2008. - P. 123-129.

13. Barzanova-Pyzh, A. Idioms in English law terminology pp. 86-96 in Frazeologiya i terminologiya: grani peresecheniya. Arkhangelsk, 2009. (in Russian)

14. Barzanova-Pyzh, A. Phraseology and terminology: overlapping pp. 106-116 in Frazeologiya i terminologiya: grani peresecheniya. Severodvinsk, 2009. Deposit manuscript 21.04.09 № 60729 (in Russian)


Courses Taught

• Advanced English Practice (for 4th year students)
• Mass Media Language Class (for 4th and 5th year students)
• Practical Grammar Class (for 3d year students)
• Acting as a senior thesis adviser and term paper adviser (in lexicology and stylistics)
• Country Study Classes (for 2nd year students)
• Functional Stylistics (seminars)

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