Elena A. Tuzlayeva
e-mail: zenon06@rambler.ru
• Samara State University, Philological Faculty, the English Department. Diploma of graduation with honours. Majoring in Philology, teaching and translating and interpreting (2009).
• Since 2009 – a post-graduate student of the English Department.
Etymologic and semantic characteristics of English vocabulary, the history and contemporary lexical peculiarities of national varieties of the English language
• Annual student conferences organised by Samara State University (2005, 2006, 2008)
• Samara Region Student Conference (2007)
• International Student Scientific Forum “The Land of Students: Life, Science, Creation” (Samara, 2007)
• The 10th Student Scientific Conference “Science Day” organised by Samara branch of Moscow City Pedagogical Institute (Samara, 2009)
• The 6th International Conference “Science and Culture of Russia” (Samara, 2009)
• Macmillan Conference at Samara State University. June 23, 2009. Certificate of attendance.
1. Tuzlayeva, E.A. Etimologhicheskiye i leksiko-semanticheskiye kharakteristiki sushchestvitelnykh, oboznachayushchikh bytovyye realii v shotlandskom variante angliiskogo yazyka pp. 156-164 in “The Land of Students: Life, Science, Creation”. Samara, 2007. (Etymologic and semantic characteristics of scotticisms naming household objects) (in Russian)
2. Tuzlayeva, E.A. Funktsionalnyye kharakteristiki sushchestvitelnykh-shotlandizmov, oboznachayushchikh bytovyye realii pp. 190-192 in “39 nauchnaya konferentsiya studentov” (proceedings of Samara State University students conference). Samara, 2008. (Functional characteristics of scotticisms naming household objects) (in Russian)
3. Bondarenko, M.V., Tuzlayeva, E.A. Kontseptualnyye kharakteristiki shotlandizmov v sostave freimovoi struktury “Domashnyaya obstanovka” (na materiale poezii R.Bernsa) pp. 44-48 in 13th Tsarskoye Selo Readings “University education for innovation in Russia”. Part II. Saint Petersburg, 2009. (Conceptual characteristics of Scottish words in the “Household effects” frame) (in Russian)
4. Bondarenko, M.V., Tuzlayeva, E.A. Etimologicheskie i semanticheskie kharakterisitiki sushchestvitelnykh-shotlandizmov, oboznachayushchikh predmety odezhdy i obuvi pp. 20-22 in “Materials of the 6th International Conference “Science and Culture of Russia”. Samara, 2009. (Etymologic and semantic characteristics of Scottish nouns naming articles of clothing and footwear) (in Russian)
5. Tuzlayeva, E.A. Nominativnaya paradigma reghionalno markirovannoi leksiki v sovremennom angliiskom yazyke (na materiale sushchestvitelnykh-shotlandizmov, oboznachayushchikh bytovyye realii) pp. 171-175 in “Filologhicheskiye chteniya” (proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference). Orenburg, 2009. (The nominative paradigm of regional nouns in Scottish English) (in Russian)
• Translation Theory (seminars, 4th year, the English Department)
• Analytical Reading (5th year, the English Department)
• Mass Media Class (5th year, the English Department)
• English Practice (the International Relations Department)
• English Practice (the Sociology Department)