Degrees and Honours
Candidate in Pedagogy
Kuibyshev (Samara) State Pedagogical (Teachers Training) Institute, Faculty of Foreign Languages, qualification a teacher of English and German.
Moscow Teachers Training University. Post-graduate studies in teaching foreign
Seminar Teaching The Cambridge Advanced Examination organized by the English
Language Unit of the British Council (Samara, June 2001). Certificate of completion.
Seminar Business English organized by the British
Council in Samara
Seminar The Basics of Internet organized by the British Council, Samara,
31 January 5 February 2005. Certificate of Attendance.
Seminar on communicative teaching methods conducted by Ye. Passov
Seminar The Internet for Philologists
Seminar on Uniform State Exam in English organized by the Education Development
Centre. Department of Education, Samara, February 2005
Seminar on the method of Sliding conducted by Victor Votinov (professor,
academician, the Moscow International Pedagogical Academy). Samara, September
Professional Interests
Cross-cultural communication and teaching a foreign language
New trends in training a foreign language teacher
Modern textbooks
Kultura y Yazyk (Culture and Language).
The international scientific conference 11-12 March,
2003). Samara, 2003.
International Scientific Conference Space and Time in a Language (Samara,
2001). A report on perception of space in teaching English.
Conference of TESOL Renovating Strategies of Teaching English in the Changing
World (Samara, 1998). A report on communicative approach in teaching English.
International Conference Russian consciousness: psychology, culture, policy
(Samara, 1997). A report on provincial mentality and its influence on the process
of teaching foreign languages.
Regular participation in annual conferences organized by Samara State University.
1. Obucheniye obscheniyu na professionalnyje
temy na anglijskom yazyke. (Talking Shop) Recommendations
for Students. Samara, 1992. 25 p.
2. How to study a foreign language
effectively (a guide for first-year students). Samara:
Samara State Pedagogical University, 1995.
3. "Provintsialny mentalitet
i yego vliyaniye na protsess obucheniya inostrannym
yazykam" in Russian consciousness: psychology,
culture, policy. Materials of I International conference
on historic psychology of Russia consciousness. Samara
1997. (Provincial mentality and its influence on
the process of teaching foreign languages).
4. "Mentalniye modeli ponimaniya
inoyazychnogo vyskazyvaniya i sotsialnyi kontekst" in
Problems of applied linguistics. Penza, 1997. (Mental
models of understanding of the foreign utterance
and social context).
5. Let us Learn to Read Scientific
Texts in English (with Y.M.Simonov). Samara: Samara
State Pedagogical University, 1997.
6. Ranneye obucheniye inostrannym
yazykam: problemy integratsii i adaptatsii zarubezhnogo
uchebnika" in Foreign languages at school. Moscow,
1998. (Teaching foreign languages to young children:
problems of integration and adaptation of a foreign
7. "Problemy perevoda: osobennosti
vzaimodeystviya rodnogo i inostrannogo yazykov in
Translation: problems and researches. Penza, 1998.
(Problems of translation: peculiarities of interaction
of native and foreign languages).
8. Metodicheskiye i psikhologicheskiye
osnovy obucheniya grammatike (with Georgiady D.N.)
in Materials of XXIV Samara regional student scientific
conference. Samara: Samara State university, 1998.
9. "Kommunikativnyi podkhod:
universalnyi ili menyautschiisya?" in Renovating
Strategies of Teaching English in the Changing World.
The 5th Annual Conference and Exposition of TESOL.
Samara, 1998. (Communicative Approach: is it Universal
or is it Changing?)
10. "Inostrannyi yazyk dlya
malenkikh - problemy dlya uchitelya" in E L
T News and Views. Moscow, 1998. N1 (4). (A foreign
language for young learners - problems for the teacher).
11. Obzor uchebnica GO! in ELT
News & Views. December 2000. # 4 ( 16 ). P. P.
24-25. (Review of the coursebook GO !)
12. Stereotip i innovatsionnost
v obuchenii inostrannomu yazyku pp. 63 - 64 in Nashe
obrazovaniye. Samara, 2000. (Stereotype and innovation
in teaching a foreign language).
13. Sotsiofactory i obucheniye
inostrannomu yazyku pp.36 -37 in Linguistica i metodica
obutcheniya angliiskomu yazyku. Samara: association
of teachers of English, 2001. (Sociofactors and Teaching
a Foreign Language)
14. O prostranstvennom vospriyatii
inoyazychnogo materiala pp. 148 - 152 in Prostranstvo
i vremya. Tezisy i materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi
konferentsii. Samara, 2001. (On spatial perception
of foreign language
15. Great Britain (Countrystudy).
A Syllabus for Schools with a Number of Subjects
Taught in English. Samara, 2001.
16. Rechevoye obscheniye na inostrannom
yazyke kak metodicheskaya problema pp. 185-189 in
Kommunikatsiya v dialoge kultur. Samara, 2002. (Speech
communication in a foreign language as a teaching
17. On pedagogical practice (a guide
to teaching practice at school). Samara, 2002.
18. Academic Vocabulary. Recommendations
for Students. Samara, 2003. 32 p.
19. Soboleva L., Maksakova S., Dementyeva
N. Recommendations in Home-reading for the Fourth-year
Students on Angel Pavement by J.B.Priestley. Samara,
2003. 30 p.
20. The Role of Discourse Functional
Characteristics in Developing Students Discourse
Competence pp. 208-216 in Aspekty stanovleniya I
funktsionirovaniya zapadnogermanskikh yazykov. Samara,
Samara University. 2003.
21. Kultura obucheniya inostrannym
yazykam i obucheniye inoyazychnoi kulture pp. 306-310
in Kultura i yazyk (Proceedings of the international
scientific conference 11-12 March, 2003). Samara,
22. Learning to Teach. A Guide for
Senior Students. Samara, Novaya Tehnika. 2004. 32
23. Strategies in Communicative
Reading. A Guide for Student Translators. Samara,
Univers-group, 2004. 64 p.
24. Sovremennye paradigmy nauchnogo
znaniya v inoyazychnom obrazovanii pp. 42-49 in
Obrazovanie i nauka. Samara, Novaya Tehnika. 2004.
68 p. (Modern Paradigms of Scientific Knowledge in
Teaching Foreign Languages)
25. Tselepolaganie kak strategiya
upravleniya professionalnoi deyatelnostju prepodavatelya
pp. 62-64 in Systemy upravlaniya kachestvom vysshego
obrazovaniya. Materialy IV mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-metodicheskoi
konferentsii (1-2 July 2004). Voronezh, Voronezh State University. 2004. (Goal
setting as a strategy of managing the professional activity of a teacher)
26. Funktsionalnaya stilistika (Functional
Stylistics). Seminars and Tasks for Individual Studies
for Students of Translation in the Sphere of Professional
Communication. (with I. Drabkina and I. Prokhorova).
Samara: Samara State University, 2005. 41 p.
27. Ob upravlenii samostoyatelnoi
rabotoi studentov pri obuchenoii inostrannym yazykam
(On Guiding the Individual Studies of EFL Students)
pp. 41-43 in Lingvodidakticheskie problemy prepodavaniya
inostrannyh i klassicheskih yazykov. Materialy I
tezisy dokladov Povolzhskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi
konferentsii. Samara, 1999.
28. Interkulturnaya kommunikatsiya:
mentalitet, deyatelnost uchitelya, obuchenie inostrannym
yazykam (Intercultural Communication: Mentality,
Teachers Actions, Teaching EFL) pp. 155-159 in A.S.Pushkin
I rossijskoe istoriko-kulturnoe soznanie. Provintsialnaya
mentalnost Rossii v proshlom, nastoyashchem i budushchem.
Vol.5. Vyp.1. Samara, 1999.
29. Metodicheskij diskurs v sfere
tseleobrazovaniya (Methodological discourse in the
sphere of objectives. Academic Tasks Through Discourse
Analysis) pp.197-202 in in Slovo - Vyskazyvanie -
Diskurs. Samara: Samara State University, 2004. (in
30. Kontseptualnye paradigmy inoyazychnogo
obrazovaniya (Conceptual Paradigms of EFL) pp. 43-45
in Aktualnye problemy lingvisticheskogo obrazovaniya.
Materials of International Conference, 25-26 November
2004. Samara, 2005.
31. Strategicheskie sistemy obrazovatelnoi
deyatelnosti v izuchenii i obuchenii inostrannym
yazykam pp. 96 100 in Sovremennye metody i tehnologii
issledovaniya germanskikh yazykov (Modern Methods
of Linguistic Studies in Germanic Languages)/ Collected
Papers. Samara: Samara University, 2005. (Strategic
systems of educational activities in teaching and
learning foreign languages)
32. EFLT Discourse in the Communicative
Field of Culture pp.56-61 in "Kommunikatovnoe
prostranstvo diskursa v sovremennykh germanskikh
yazykakh" (Discourse Space of Communication
in Modern Germanic Languages)/ Collected Papers.
- Samara: Samara University, 2006.
33. Learning to Improve Language
Skills. Recommendations for Students of Translation
in the Sphere of Professional Communication. - Samara,
2008. - 51 p.
34. Cognitivism and Strategies in Foreign Language
Teaching pp. 118 - 125 in Kommunikativno-kognitivnye
aspekty lingvisticheskikh issledovanij v germanskikh
yazykakh (Communicative
and Cognitive Aspects of Research in Germanic Languages/
Papers. - Samara: Samara University, 2008. (in Russian)
35. LinguoCountry study: principles of authenticity and conformity to culture pp. 104-109 in "Uchebny, vospitatelny i nauchny protsessy v vuze".
Samara: AsGard, 2009. (in Russian)
Courses Taught
Advanced English Practice (for senior students)
Home Reading Classes (for senior students)
Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages (seminars, laboratories)
Acting as a senior thesis adviser and term paper adviser (in methods of
teaching a foreign language)
Acting as a supervisor (teaching practice at school)
English for students of Russian philology