Svetlana Maksakova

Degrees and Honours

Kuibyshev (Samara) State Pedagogical (Teachers’ Training) Institute, Faculty of Foreign Languages, qualification “a teacher of English and German”.
Moscow Teachers’ Training University. Post-graduate studies in teaching foreign languages.
Seminar “Teaching The Cambridge Advanced Examination” organized by the English Language Unit of the British Council (Samara, June 2001). Certificate of completion.

Professional Interests
Cross-cultural communication and teaching a foreign language
New trends in training a foreign language teacher
Modern textbooks

Publications and Conferences
International Scientific Conference “Space and Time in a Language” (Samara, 2001). A report on perception of space in teaching English.
Conference of TESOL “Renovating Strategies of Teaching English in the Changing World” (Samara, 1998). A report on communicative approach in teaching English.
International Conference “Russian consciousness: psychology, culture, policy” (Samara, 1997). A report on provincial ìåntality and its influence on the process of teaching foreign languages.
Regular participation in annual conferences organized by Samara State University.

Chapters in books
1.“Sotsiofactory i obucheniye inostrannomu yazyku” pp.36 -37 in Linguistica i metodica obytcheniya angliiskomu yazyku. Samara: association of teachers of English, 2001. (Sociofactors and Teaching a Foreign Language)
2. “O prostranstvennom vospriyatii inoyazychnogo materiala” pp. 148 - 152 in Prostranstvo i vremya. Tezisy i materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Samara, 2001. (On spatial perception of foreign language material).
3.“Obzor uchebnica “GO!” in ELT News & Views. December 2000. # 4 ( 16 ). P. P. 24-25. (Review of the coursebook «GO !»)
4. “Stereotip i innovatsionnost v obuchenii inostrannomu yazyku” pp. 63 - 64 in Nashe obrazovaniye. Samara, 2000. (Stereotype and innovation in teaching a foreign language).
5."Provintsialny mentalitet i yego vliyaniye na protsess obucheniya inostrannym yazykam" in Russian consciousness: psychology, culture, policy. Materials of Ï International conference on historic psychology of Russia consciousness. Samara 1997. (Provincial ìåntality and its influence on the process of teaching foreign languages).
6. “Ranneye obucheniya inostrannym yazykam: problemy integratsii i adaptatsii zarubezhnogo uchebnika" in Foreign languages at school. Moscow, 1998. ¹ 5. (Teaching foreign languages: problems of integration and adaptation of a foreign textbook).
7. "Problemy perevoda: osobennosti vzaimodeystviya rodnogo i inostrannogo yazykov” in Translation: problems and researches. Penza, 1998. (Problems of translation: peculiarities of interaction of native and foreign languages).
8. “Metodicheskiye i psikhologicheskiye osnovy obucheniya grammatike “
(with Georgiady D.N.) in Materials of ÕÕ1Ó Samara regional student
scientific conference. Samara: Samara State university, 1998.
(Ìåthîdîlîgical and psychological basis of teaching grammar aspects to
year-old learners).
9. "Kommunikativnyi podkhod: universalnyi ili menyautschiisya?" in
Renovating Strategies of Teaching English in the Changing World. The
5th Annual Conference and Exposition of TESOL. Samara, 1998.
(Communicative Approach: is it Universal or is it Changing?)
10."Inostrannyi yazyk dlya malenkikh - problemy dlya uchitelya" in E L T News and Views. Moscow, 1998. N1 (4). (A foreign language for young learners - problems for the teacher).
11."Mentalniye modeli ponimaniya inoyazychnogo vyskazyvaniya i sotsialnyi
kontekst" in Problems of applied linguistics. Penzà, 1997. (Ìåntal models of
understanding of the foreign utterance and social context).

Other Publications
1. On pedagogical practice (a guide to teaching practice at school ). Samara, 2002.
2. Great Britain (Countrystudy). Samara, 2001.
3. Let us Learn to Read Scientific Texts in English (with Y.M.Simonov). Samara: Samara State Pedagogical University, 1997.
4. How to study a foreign language effectively (a guide for first-year students). Samara: Samara State Pedagogical University, 1995.

Courses Taught
Advanced English Practice (for senior students)
Home Reading Classes (for senior students)
Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages (seminars, laboratories)
Acting as a senior thesis adviser and term paper adviser (in methods of teaching a foreign language)
Acting as a supervisor (teaching practice at school)

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