Inna Drabkina



Degrees and Honours
Candidate in Philology; equivalent of American Ph.D.

Kuibyshev (Samara) State University. Diploma of graduation with honours. Majoring in philology, teaching English and literature. (1990)
Samara State University. Completed post-graduate studies in modern Germanic languages (1993-1997). Defended the thesis: “Pragmalinguistic aspects of written business communication (on the material of contracts and business correspondence in English)” (2001).
Seminar “Democratization of the Educational Process” organized by American Councils for International Education (Samara, 22.09.2001). Certificate of attendance.
Completed full three-year course of studies of Spanish by correspondence (Moscow, “IN-YAZ” Language Courses) in 1991 (Grade A)

Professional Interests.
Linguistic study of business documents
Speech etiquette in intercultural communication
Politeness theory and its application to studying manifestations of politeness in business correspondence

Publications and Conferences
International Scientific Conference “Space and Time in a Language” (Samara, 6-8.02.2001). A report on time in English contract texts and ways of expressing it.
Regular participation in annual conferences of linguists organized by Samara State University.

Chapters in books
“Pragmatika tsvetooboznachenij odezhdy v reklamnykh tekstakh” (with S.A. Afanasyeva) pp. 54-60 in Pragmatika form rechevogo obscheniya. Samara: Samara State University, 2001. (Pragmatic aspects of adjectives expressing colour of clothes in advertisements)
“Pragmalingvisticheskiye aspekty pis’mennogo delovogo obscheniya (na materiale angloyazychnykh tekstov kontraktov i delovoi korrespondentsii)”. Samara: Samara State University, 2001. 15 p. (Pragmalinguistic aspects of written business communication (on the material of contracts and business correspondence in English). - Dissertation abstract.
“Vremennaya otnesyonnost’ tekstov kontraktov i sredstva eyo vyrazheniya (na materiale anglijskogo yazyka” pp. 27-30 in Prostranstvo i vremya. Tezisy i materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii 6-8/02/2001. Chast’ 3. Samara: SamGPU, 2001. (Time in English contract texts and ways of expressing it. Abstracts of the international conference.)
“Muzykalnij sleng v sredstvakh massovoi informatsii (na materiale anglijskogo yazyka)” (with I.O.Klubkova) pp. 130-138 in Vestnik Volzhskogo universiteta im.V.N.Tatischeva. Seriya “Filologiya”. Vyp.1. Togliatti, 2000. (Music slang words in mass media)
“Kognitivnye aspekty organizatsii teksta delovogo pis’ma” pp. 36-43 in Kognitivnye aspekty izucheniya yazykovykh yavlenij v germanskikh yazykakh. Samara: Samara State University, 2000. (Cognitive aspects of business letter structure)
“Lingvostilisticheskiye osobennosti kontraktnykh tekstov SshA i stran Britanskogo Sodruzhestva” pp. 83-87 in Yazyk i kultura. Samara: Samara State University, 1999. (Linguostylistic peculiarities of contracts of the USA and the Commonwealth)
“Lingvostilisticheskiye osobennosti delovoi korrespondentsii” (with A.A.Kharkovskaya) pp. 71-76 in Semantika i pragmatika yazyka v dialoge kultur. Samara: Samara State University, 1998. (Linguostylistic peculiarities of business correspondence)
“Pragmaticheskiye osobennosti kontraktnykh tekstov (na materiale sovremennogo anglijskogo yazyka)” (with A.A.Kharkovskaya) pp.100-102 in Tendentsii razvitiya v leksike i sintaksise germanskikh yazykov. Samara: Samara State University, 1997. (Pragmatic peculiarities of contract texts)
“Pragmalingvisticheskiye aspekty kommunikatsii (na materiale angloyazychnykh kontraktnykh dokumentov)” (with A.A.Kharkovskaya) pp. 54-58 in Yazykovyje protsessy v razlichnykh tipakh teksta. Samara: Samara State University, 1994. (Pragmalinguistic aspects of contracts written in English)
“Funktsionalno-strukturnyje kharakteristiki perifrazov v sovremennom anglijskom yazyke” pp. 78-86 in Funktsionalnyj aspekt edinits yazyka. Samara: Samara State University, 1992. (Functional and structural characteristics of periphrases in Modern English)

Other Publications
Reading D.H.Lawrence (“Odour of Chrysanthemums”) (with A.A.Kharkovskaya). Samara: Samara State University, 1999.
Exercises in Agreement Between Subject and Predicate (with A.A.Kharkovskaya and O.A.Klimanova). Samara: Samara State University, 1999.
Talking about Australia (with T.V.Taktayeva). Samara: Samara Institute of Economics, 1992.

Courses Taught
Advanced English Practice (for senior students)
Introduction into Translation Theory (seminars)
Translation Practice
Business English Practice
Home Reading classes (for senior students)
Acting as a senior thesis adviser and term paper adviser (in lexicology and stylistics)
English for students of Russian philology studying by correspondence

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