Kharkovskaia Antonina Alexandrovna
Professor, Candidate of Philology, Head of the English Department of Samara State University


Education File:
In 1964 graduated from Kuibyshev State Teachers' Training Institute
Named after V.V.Kuibyshev ( at present Samara State Teachers' Training University)
In 1973 defended her Candidate thesis after the completion of the full-
time post-graduate course of studies at Moscow State Teachers' Train
ing Institute named after V.I. Lenin (at present Moscow State Teachers' Training University) Her Research supervisor is Professor Cherkasskaia E.B.)
Antonina Khrakovskaia systematically tried to improve her professional competence attending summer language courses in Cambridge and Oxford, TASIS seminars in Moscow and Saint-Pitersburg, in Brugge (Belgium) and Glasgo (Scotland), in Budapest etc.

- lecture courses in stylistics and British civilization;
- special courses "Communicative Strategies in Intercultural
Business Space", " Speech Etiquette Problems in the English -
Speaking Intercultural Communication"
English Language Studies and Workshops in Analytical / Home
Research Supervision (students and post-graduate students);
preparation of curricula schedules and teaching materials for the students majoring in English Philology.
Prof. Antonina Kharkovskaia is also performing her duties as an editor-in-chief and an opponent of post-graduate research projects in Philology and special linguistic and teaching methods papers. Professor A. Kharkovskaia is also a member of
The Presidium of Russian University Philologists' Union .
Prof. A. Kharkovskaia's research interests are concentrated in both sociolinguistic and pragmalinguistic discourse studies. She is also engaged in the studies of gender markers in English and in the problems dealing with translation. Her List of Published Papers includes over 110 titles.


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